

使用API进行发运确认并运行Interface Trip Stop,api

使用API进行发运确认并运行Interface Trip Stop,apiinterface


  p_sales_order            NUMBER := 1506764295;
  p_line_number            NUMBER := 1.1;
  p_org_id                 NUMBER := 121;
  l_shipped_quantity       NUMBER := 1;
  p_api_version_number     NUMBER := 1.0;
  init_msg_list            VARCHAR2(200);
  l_commit                 VARCHAR2(30);
  x_msg_details            VARCHAR2(3000);
  x_msg_summary            VARCHAR2(3000);
  x_return_status          VARCHAR2(3);
  x_msg_count              NUMBER;
  x_msg_data               VARCHAR2(3000);
  p_validation_level       NUMBER;
  v_errbuf                 VARCHAR2(2000);
  v_retcode                VARCHAR2(20);
  v_released_status        wsh_delivery_details.released_status%TYPE;
  v_inv_interfaced_flag    wsh_delivery_details.inv_interfaced_flag%TYPE;
  v_oe_interfaced_flag     wsh_delivery_details.oe_interfaced_flag%TYPE;
  v_source_code            wsh_delivery_details.source_code%TYPE;
  v_pending_interface_flag wsh_trip_stops.pending_interface_flag%TYPE;
  l_changed_attributes     wsh_delivery_details_pub.changedattributetabtype;
  l_source_code            VARCHAR2(30) := 'OE';
  -- Parameters for WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB
  p_delivery_name           VARCHAR2(30);
  p_action_code             VARCHAR2(15);
  p_asg_trip_id             NUMBER;
  p_asg_trip_name           VARCHAR2(30);
  p_asg_pickup_stop_id      NUMBER;
  p_asg_pickup_loc_id       NUMBER;
  p_asg_pickup_loc_code     VARCHAR2(30);
  p_asg_pickup_arr_date     DATE;
  p_asg_pickup_dep_date     DATE;
  p_asg_dropoff_stop_id     NUMBER;
  p_asg_dropoff_loc_id      NUMBER;
  p_asg_dropoff_loc_code    VARCHAR2(30);
  p_asg_dropoff_arr_date    DATE;
  p_asg_dropoff_dep_date    DATE;
  p_sc_action_flag          VARCHAR2(10);
  p_sc_intransit_flag       VARCHAR2(10);
  p_sc_close_trip_flag      VARCHAR2(10);
  p_sc_create_bol_flag      VARCHAR2(10);
  p_sc_stage_del_flag       VARCHAR2(10);
  p_sc_trip_ship_method     VARCHAR2(30);
  p_sc_actual_dep_date      VARCHAR2(30);
  p_sc_report_set_id        NUMBER;
  p_sc_report_set_name      VARCHAR2(60);
  p_sc_defer_interface_flag VARCHAR2(60);
  p_sc_send_945_flag        VARCHAR2(60);
  p_sc_rule_id              NUMBER;
  p_sc_rule_name            VARCHAR2(60);
  p_wv_override_flag        VARCHAR2(10);
  p_asg_pickup_stop_seq     NUMBER;
  p_asg_dropoff_stop_seq    NUMBER;
  x_trip_id                 VARCHAR2(30);
  x_trip_name               VARCHAR2(30);
  fail_api EXCEPTION;
  x_debug_file       VARCHAR2(100);
  l_ship_method_code VARCHAR2(100);
  l_user_id          NUMBER;
  l_resp_id          NUMBER;
  l_appl_id          NUMBER;

  CURSOR c_ord_details IS
    SELECT DISTINCT det.source_header_number sales_order
                   ,(SELECT concatenated_segments
                       FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
                      WHERE inventory_item_id = det.inventory_item_id
                        AND organization_id = det.organization_id) ordered_item
                   ,del.status_code delivery_status_code
                   ,det.released_status pick_release_status
      FROM wsh_delivery_details     det
          ,wsh_delivery_assignments asn
          ,wsh_new_deliveries       del
     WHERE 1 = 1
       AND det.delivery_detail_id = asn.delivery_detail_id
       AND asn.delivery_id = del.delivery_id(+)
       AND det.source_header_number = p_sales_order
       AND det.source_line_number = p_line_number
       AND det.org_id = p_org_id
       AND shipped_quantity IS NULL
       AND nvl(del.status_code, 'OP') <> 'CL'
       AND det.released_status = 'Y';
  v_user_id      NUMBER;
  v_resp_id      NUMBER;
  v_resp_appl_id NUMBER;

  /* To get the user id details */
  SELECT user_id INTO v_user_id FROM fnd_user WHERE user_name = 'SETUP01';

  /* To get the responsibility and responsibility application id */
  SELECT f.responsibility_id, f.application_id
    INTO v_resp_id, v_resp_appl_id
    FROM fnd_responsibility_tl f
   WHERE f.responsibility_name = '受注管理スーパーユーザー(SC)'
     AND f.language = 'JA';
  fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id      => v_user_id,
                             resp_id      => v_resp_id,
                             resp_appl_id => v_resp_appl_id);

  dbms_output.put_line(v_user_id || ' ' || v_resp_id || ' ' ||

  FOR i IN c_ord_details LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line('Initializing the Application for Shipping Transactions');
    -- Mandatory initialization for R12
    mo_global.set_policy_context('S', i.org_id);
    -- Ship Confirming
    p_delivery_name := to_char(i.delivery_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Before Shipping, Calling WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB API to Update Shipping Attributes');
    l_changed_attributes(1).delivery_detail_id := i.delivery_detail_id;
    l_changed_attributes(1).shipped_quantity := l_shipped_quantity;
    wsh_delivery_details_pub.update_shipping_attributes(p_api_version_number => 1.0,
                                                        p_init_msg_list      => init_msg_list,
                                                        p_commit             => l_commit,
                                                        x_return_status      => x_return_status,
                                                        x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
                                                        x_msg_data           => x_msg_data,
                                                        p_changed_attributes => l_changed_attributes,
                                                        p_source_code        => l_source_code);
    IF (x_return_status <> wsh_util_core.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
      RAISE fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('Failed to Update the Shipping Attributes');
      dbms_output.put_line('Successfully Updated the Shipping Attributes');
    END IF;
      SELECT shipping_method_code
        INTO l_ship_method_code
        FROM oe_order_headers_all
       WHERE order_number = i.sales_order
         AND org_id = i.org_id;
        l_ship_method_code := NULL;
    p_action_code       := 'CONFIRM'; -- The action code for ship confirm
    p_sc_action_flag    := 'S'; -- Ship entered quantity.
    p_sc_intransit_flag := 'N';
    --In transit flag is set to 'Y' closes the pickup stop and sets the delivery in transit.
    p_sc_close_trip_flag      := 'Y'; -- Close the trip after ship confirm
    p_sc_trip_ship_method     := l_ship_method_code; -- The ship method code
    p_sc_defer_interface_flag := 'Y';
    p_sc_stage_del_flag       := 'Y';
    p_sc_create_bol_flag      := 'N';
    p_wv_override_flag        := 'N';
    -- API Call for Ship Confirmation
    dbms_output.put_line('Calling WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB to Perform Ship Confirmation');
    wsh_deliveries_pub.delivery_action(p_api_version_number      => 1.0,
                                       p_init_msg_list           => init_msg_list,
                                       x_return_status           => x_return_status,
                                       x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
                                       x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
                                       p_action_code             => p_action_code,
                                       p_delivery_id             => i.delivery_id,
                                       p_delivery_name           => p_delivery_name,
                                       p_asg_trip_id             => p_asg_trip_id,
                                       p_asg_trip_name           => p_asg_trip_name,
                                       p_asg_pickup_stop_id      => p_asg_pickup_stop_id,
                                       p_asg_pickup_loc_id       => p_asg_pickup_loc_id,
                                       p_asg_pickup_stop_seq     => p_asg_pickup_stop_seq,
                                       p_asg_pickup_loc_code     => p_asg_pickup_loc_code,
                                       p_asg_pickup_arr_date     => p_asg_pickup_arr_date,
                                       p_asg_pickup_dep_date     => p_asg_pickup_dep_date,
                                       p_asg_dropoff_stop_id     => p_asg_dropoff_stop_id,
                                       p_asg_dropoff_loc_id      => p_asg_dropoff_loc_id,
                                       p_asg_dropoff_stop_seq    => p_asg_dropoff_stop_seq,
                                       p_asg_dropoff_loc_code    => p_asg_dropoff_loc_code,
                                       p_asg_dropoff_arr_date    => p_asg_dropoff_arr_date,
                                       p_asg_dropoff_dep_date    => p_asg_dropoff_dep_date,
                                       p_sc_action_flag          => p_sc_action_flag,
                                       p_sc_intransit_flag       => p_sc_intransit_flag,
                                       p_sc_close_trip_flag      => p_sc_close_trip_flag,
                                       p_sc_create_bol_flag      => p_sc_create_bol_flag,
                                       p_sc_stage_del_flag       => p_sc_stage_del_flag,
                                       p_sc_trip_ship_method     => p_sc_trip_ship_method,
                                       p_sc_actual_dep_date      => p_sc_actual_dep_date,
                                       p_sc_report_set_id        => p_sc_report_set_id,
                                       p_sc_report_set_name      => p_sc_report_set_name,
                                       p_sc_defer_interface_flag => p_sc_defer_interface_flag,
                                       p_sc_send_945_flag        => p_sc_send_945_flag,
                                       p_sc_rule_id              => p_sc_rule_id,
                                       p_sc_rule_name            => p_sc_rule_name,
                                       p_wv_override_flag        => p_wv_override_flag,
                                       x_trip_id                 => x_trip_id,
                                       x_trip_name               => x_trip_name);
    IF (x_return_status <> wsh_util_core.g_ret_sts_success) THEN
      dbms_output.put_line('Ship confirm has not been Completed For SO => ');
      RAISE fail_api;
      dbms_output.put_line('Ship confirm Successfully Completed For SO => ');
      dbms_output.put_line('Checking the Delivery Status after delivery action API Call');
      SELECT wdd.source_code
        INTO v_source_code
        FROM wsh_trips                wtr
            ,wsh_trip_stops           wts
            ,wsh_delivery_legs        wlg
            ,wsh_new_deliveries       wnd
            ,wsh_delivery_assignments wda
            ,wsh_delivery_details     wdd
       WHERE wtr.trip_id = wts.trip_id
         AND wts.stop_id = wlg.pick_up_stop_id
         AND wts.pending_interface_flag = 'Y'
         AND wdd.inv_interfaced_flag <> 'Y'
         AND wlg.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
         AND wnd.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id
         AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
         AND wnd.delivery_id = p_delivery_name
         AND wdd.source_line_id = i.source_line_id;
      IF (v_source_code = 'OE' AND v_released_status = 'C' AND
         v_inv_interfaced_flag <> 'Y' AND v_oe_interfaced_flag <> 'Y' AND
         v_pending_interface_flag = 'Y') THEN
        dbms_output.put_line('The Delivery has been Shipped & the Next Step is - Run Interface');
        -- API Call for Submitting Interface Trip Stop
        wsh_ship_confirm_actions.interface_all_wrp(errbuf            => v_errbuf,
                                                   retcode           => v_retcode,
                                                   p_mode            => 'ALL',
                                                   p_stop_id         => NULL,
                                                   p_delivery_id     => p_delivery_name,
                                                   p_log_level       => 0,
                                                   p_batch_id        => NULL,
                                                   p_trip_type       => NULL,
                                                   p_organization_id => i.organization_id,
                                                   p_num_requests    => 1,
                                                   p_stops_per_batch => 1);
        dbms_output.put_line('The Delivery has not Shipped Properly');
      END IF;
    END IF;

  WHEN fail_api THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('Error Details If Any');
    wsh_util_core.get_messages(p_init_msg_list => 'Y',
                               x_summary       => x_msg_summary,
                               x_details       => x_msg_details,
                               x_count         => x_msg_count);
    IF x_msg_count > 1 THEN
      x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
      x_msg_data := x_msg_summary || x_msg_details;
    END IF;
  --FOR i IN 1 .. x_msg_count LOOP  
  --  x_msg_data := oe_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => i, p_encoded => 'F');  
  --  dbms_output.put_line(i || ') ' || x_msg_data);  
  --END LOOP; 

www.htsjk.Com true http://www.htsjk.com/shujukunews/8871.html NewsArticle 使用API进行发运确认并运行Interface Trip Stop,apiinterface DECLARE p_sales_order NUMBER := 1506764295; p_line_number NUMBER := 1.1; p_org_id NUMBER := 121; l_shipped_quantity NUMBER := 1; p_api_version_number NUMBER := 1.0; init...