

MariaDB 10.3 MyRocks 自带工具,mariadbmyrocks

MariaDB 10.3 MyRocks 自带工具,mariadbmyrocks

由于MariaDB 10.3中的MyRocks继承自Facebook的MyRocks存储引擎,原有的工具MyRocks亦可使用。


mysql_ldb 工具可以解析rocksdb各类文件,sst, manifest, wal等; 可以写入和查询数据;还提供了一些维护功能。

myrocks_hotbackup 则针对MyRocks提供了热备份的工具,其中sst_dump和myrocks_hotbackup都是由Python编写,需要在服务器上安装MySQL的Python驱动方可运行。


# sst_dump --help
Unrecognized argument '--help'

sst_dump --file=<data_dir_OR_sst_file> [--command=check|scan|raw]
      Path to SST file or directory containing SST files

        check: Iterate over entries in files but dont print anything except if an error is encounterd (default command)
        scan: Iterate over entries in files and print them to screen
        raw: Dump all the table contents to <file_name>_dump.txt
        verify: Iterate all the blocks in files verifying checksum to detect possible coruption but dont print anything except if a corruption is encountered
        recompress: reports the SST file size if recompressed with different
                    compression types

      Can be combined with scan command to print the keys and values in Hex

      Key to start reading from when executing check|scan

      Key to stop reading at when executing check|scan

      Returns all keys with this prefix when executing check|scan
      Cannot be used in conjunction with --from

      Maximum number of entries to read when executing check|scan

      Verify file checksum when executing check|scan

      Can be combined with --from and --to to indicate that these values are encoded in Hex

      Print table properties after iterating over the file when executing

      Can be combined with --command=recompress to set the block size that will
      be used when trying different compression algorithms

    --compression_types=<comma-separated list of CompressionType members, e.g.,
      Can be combined with --command=recompress to run recompression for this
      list of compression types

      Convenience option to parse an internal key on the command line. Dumps the
      internal key in hex format {'key' @ SN: type}

[root@node1 bin]# mysql_ldb --help
ldb - RocksDB Tool

commands MUST specify --db=<full_path_to_db_directory> when necessary

The following optional parameters control if keys/values are input/output as hex or as plain strings:
  --key_hex : Keys are input/output as hex
  --value_hex : Values are input/output as hex
  --hex : Both keys and values are input/output as hex

The following optional parameters control the database internals:
  --column_family=<string> : name of the column family to operate on. default: default column family
  --ttl with 'put','get','scan','dump','query','batchput' : DB supports ttl and value is internally timestamp-suffixed
  --try_load_options : Try to load option file from DB.
  --ignore_unknown_options : Ignore unknown options when loading option file.

Data Access Commands:
  put <key> <value>  [--ttl]
  get <key> [--ttl]
  batchput <key> <value> [<key> <value>] [..] [--ttl]
  scan [--from] [--to]  [--ttl] [--timestamp] [--max_keys=<N>q]  [--start_time=<N>:- is inclusive] [--end_time=<N>:- is exclusive] [--no_value]
  delete <key>
  deleterange <begin key> <end key>
  query [--ttl]
    Starts a REPL shell.  Type help for list of available commands.
  approxsize [--from] [--to] 

Admin Commands:
  dump_wal --walfile=<write_ahead_log_file_path> [--header]  [--print_value] 
  compact [--from] [--to] 
  reduce_levels --new_levels=<New number of levels> [--print_old_levels]
  change_compaction_style --old_compaction_style=<Old compaction style: 0 for level compaction, 1 for universal compaction> --new_compaction_style=<New compaction style: 0 for level compaction, 1 for universal compaction>
  dump [--from] [--to]  [--ttl] [--max_keys=<N>] [--timestamp] [--count_only] [--count_delim=<char>] [--stats] [--bucket=<N>] [--start_time=<N>:- is inclusive] [--end_time=<N>:- is exclusive] [--path=<path_to_a_file>]
  load [--create_if_missing] [--disable_wal] [--bulk_load] [--compact]
  manifest_dump [--verbose] [--json] [--path=<path_to_manifest_file>]
  list_column_families full_path_to_db_directory 
  idump [--from] [--to]  [--input_key_hex] [--max_keys=<N>] [--count_only] [--count_delim=<char>] [--stats]
  backup [--backup_env_uri]  [--backup_dir]  [--num_threads]  [--stderr_log_level=<int (InfoLogLevel)>] 
  restore [--backup_env_uri]  [--backup_dir]  [--num_threads]  [--stderr_log_level=<int (InfoLogLevel)>] 
  checkpoint [--checkpoint_dir] 

--MyRocks 热备工具:


www.htsjk.Com true http://www.htsjk.com/mariadb/36933.html NewsArticle MariaDB 10.3 MyRocks 自带工具,mariadbmyrocks 由于MariaDB 10.3中的MyRocks继承自Facebook的MyRocks存储引擎,原有的工具MyRocks亦可使用。 sst_dump出sst中的数据和属性信息; mysql_ldb 工具可以解析rocksdb各...