

MySQL表类型 存储引擎 的选择,

MySQL表类型 存储引擎 的选择,

  • 1、查看当前数据库支出的存储引擎
    • 方法1:
    • 方法2:
  • 2、ENGINE={存储引起类型}  创建表的时候,设置存储引擎
    • 3、alter able tablename engine={存储引起类型} 修改表为其他存储引擎
      • 3.1 常用存储引擎的对比
      • 3.2 常用存储引擎学习(MyISAM、InnoDB、MEMORY 和 MERGE)



    mysql> show engines \G;
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
          Engine: InnoDB
         Support: YES
         Comment: Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys
    Transactions: YES
              XA: YES
      Savepoints: YES
    *************************** 2. row ***************************
          Engine: MRG_MYISAM
         Support: YES
         Comment: Collection of identical MyISAM tables
    Transactions: NO
              XA: NO
      Savepoints: NO
    *************************** 3. row ***************************
          Engine: MEMORY
         Support: YES
         Comment: Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables
    Transactions: NO
              XA: NO
      Savepoints: NO
    *************************** 4. row ***************************
          Engine: BLACKHOLE
         Support: YES
         Comment: /dev/null storage engine (anything you write to it disappears)
    Transactions: NO
              XA: NO
      Savepoints: NO
    *************************** 5. row ***************************
          Engine: MyISAM
         Support: DEFAULT
         Comment: MyISAM storage engine
    Transactions: NO
              XA: NO
      Savepoints: NO
    *************************** 6. row ***************************
          Engine: CSV
         Support: YES
         Comment: CSV storage engine
    Transactions: NO
              XA: NO
      Savepoints: NO
    *************************** 7. row ***************************
          Engine: ARCHIVE
         Support: YES
         Comment: Archive storage engine
    Transactions: NO
              XA: NO
      Savepoints: NO
    *************************** 8. row ***************************
          Engine: PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA
         Support: YES
         Comment: Performance Schema
    Transactions: NO
              XA: NO
      Savepoints: NO
    *************************** 9. row ***************************
          Engine: FEDERATED
         Support: NO
         Comment: Federated MySQL storage engine
    Transactions: NULL
              XA: NULL
      Savepoints: NULL
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    No query specified


    (Value 显示为“DISABLED”的记录表示支持该存储引擎,但是数据库启动的时候被禁用。)

    mysql> show variables like 'have%';
    | Variable_name          | Value    |
    | have_compress          | YES      |
    | have_crypt             | NO       |
    | have_dynamic_loading   | YES      |
    | have_geometry          | YES      |
    | have_openssl           | DISABLED |
    | have_profiling         | YES      |
    | have_query_cache       | YES      |
    | have_rtree_keys        | YES      |
    | have_ssl               | DISABLED |
    | have_statement_timeout | YES      |
    | have_symlink           | YES      |
    11 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

    2、ENGINE={存储引起类型}  创建表的时候,设置存储引擎

    mysql> create table a(
        -> i bigint(20) not null auto_increment,
        -> primary key (i)
        -> ) engine=myisam default charset=gbk;
    ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
    No connection. Trying to reconnect...
    Connection id:    3
    Current database: test
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.33 sec)

    3、alter able tablename engine={存储引起类型} 修改表为其他存储引擎

    mysql> alter table a engine=innodb;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.70 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    mysql> show create table a \G;
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
           Table: a
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `a` (
      `i` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      PRIMARY KEY (`i`)
    1 row in set (0.14 sec)

    3.1 常用存储引擎的对比

    www.htsjk.Com true http://www.htsjk.com/Mysql/43965.html NewsArticle MySQL表类型 存储引擎 的选择, 目录 1、查看当前数据库支出的存储引擎 方法1: 方法2: 2、ENGINE={存储引起类型} 创建表的时候,设置存储引擎 3、alter able tablename engine={存储引起类型...